

Sony a1 Mirrorless Camera

Sony a1 Mirrorless Camera

Date of publication: 01.11.2023 09:46

The Sony Alpha 1 (a1) is a high-end full-frame mirrorless camera with a 50MP Stacked BSI-CMOS sensor and in-body image stabilization. The a1 offers blackout-free shooting on its giant 9.44M-dot (240 fps) EVF at burst rates of up to 30 fps. It has Sony's latest autofocus system, with fast processing and face/eye/animal detection. The electronic shutter is designed to eliminate flicker and offers a flash sync of 1/200 sec (it's an impressive 1/400 sec with the mechanical shutter).

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Latief Alhakim
New Digital Camera And Camera lens

WWW.LATIEF-ALHAKIM.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Digital Camera And Camera lens to any country of the world. We supply best of quality New Digital Camera And Camera lens including major models from best and quality brand makers.Currently we offer products...
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