

Looking for yearly rental of villa in Ubud for 1-5+ years

Im looking for yearly rental of villa for 1-5+ years
Location ubud. I attached a map. Pink square good. Green is better


WhatsApp: +52 55 3981 2338

Date of publication: 01.11.2023 13:46

Hello, I'm Rafa Rafael
Im looking for yearly rental of villa for 1-5+ years
Location ubud. I attached a map. Pink square good. Green is better
3+ bedroom villa
I would like to spend 40 - 70 million/ months
I will use as home office and have people over for therapy sessions.
I need privacy Quiet peaceful tranquil not noise from traffic or party neighbors
Canyon view with lots of trees better than rice view… view of many other buildings not ok please
Im not in a rush to start and taking time for the perfect place.

Please send by whats app message or links to properties
+52 55 3981 2338

Thank you !


  • 50000000 Indonesian Rupiah

    / al mese

    40 - 70 million/ months

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