Пляжные клубы



Hotel Komune Beach Club at the famous Keramas surf beach is designed as your all-day place kick back & listen to tunes, scope the net, check the waves and mix good times with good people.


Jalan Pantai Keramas, Medahan, Blahbatuh, Gianyar, Bali 80361, Indonesia

Дата публикации: 01.11.2023 13:46

Hotel Komune Beach Club at the famous Keramas surf beach is designed as your all-day place kick back & listen to tunes, scope the net, check the waves and mix good times with good people.

After a short walk through Komune's organic gardens on a sandy beach path lined with an array of tropical fruits, guests stare in amazement at their first glimpse of the majestic Keramas surf break which makes the stunning backdrop for Hotel Komune's Beach Club.

The 180 metres of private lawns and gardens provide the perfect backdrop for spectacular photo opportunities.

Visitors and guests of Hotel Komune Beach Club can laze away the day in the sun enjoying the cool tunes and service from our fun and friendly Balinese staff.

For the more active, head out to tackle the four surf breaks right out the front or take a stand up paddleboard out for a ride. When the tide pulls low the rock pools and crystal clear lagoon are perfect for swimming and snorkelling.

Once you’ve worked up an appetite, there's plenty of great food choices on offer including an array of healthy juices, colourful cocktails, delicious seafood, authentic pizzas, and fresh salads. Simple, tasty and fresh is the mantra here.


  • 300000 Indonesian Rupiah

    / в день

    Minimum spend

User photo
Komune Beach Club
Set on the lush and unspoilt East Coast of Bali, Hotel Komune Resort and Beach Club is blessed with a hypnotising view of the world famous Keramas surf break.

With its pristine volcanic beach, this beachfront Bali resort offers a wonderful experience of spending leisure time in...
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